Tuesday, August 12, 2014

WARNING! Facebook Will Change Your Personal Profile to A Business Fan Page

Good morning moms! Just a heads up when marketing on Facebook. I recently found out that FB is now monitoring your timeline. If they find you post the same URLs or ads, they will automatically turn your FB personal profile into a business fan page. At first I thought this was just a rumor until it happened to a friend of mine last week and I had to help her try to band aide the problem after it occurred. All of her friends turned into LIKES and she had a limited view of Facebook. It was a hot mess. Fortunate for her she had an old FB account. We were able to regain ownership of her other fan pages, but she lost her personal connections.

So here is some advice in your marketing technique to avoid this happening to you.

1- NEVER post business URLs in your status updates. Always use a call to action like "MESSAGE ME for more info".

2- If it is a business related post, create the original post on your FAN PAGE then SHARE to your personal timeline.

3- Do NOT post any business related posts directly to your timeline (sharing is OK)

4-Start Blogging about your business opportunity! You can create revenue from the blog, thus providing an additional stream of income.

5-Create a backup FB account and make sure that this account is admin to all your pages and groups.  You will also want to build your connections on this account in the event you are blocked or have limited use on your main account.

6-Start using Google+ and other social media sites and wean your way off Facebook marketing.

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