About Me

Chantel & Brandon
Hi everyone! My name is Chantel and I’m a loving wife to my amazing husband and mother of two beautiful children. By day, I currently work full time in the Information Technology industry as a Microsoft SharePoint Administrator. By night I'm an IBO mentor/coach and network marketer.  I have over 10 years experience with owning my own business and working online and I've been trained by some of the best in the business. In addition, I've been focusing my efforts for the past year specifically as a social media coach. 

I’m blessed with amazing friends and family that provide unlimited amounts of LOVE, support and motivation! I'm looking forward to sharing new and exciting things in 2014 and beyond. I feel this is going to be my year to succeed and I want my friends and family to be a part of it. 

If you would like to connect with me please feel free to add/follow me!