Although online marketing helps you get exposure to a larger audience in a short period of time, nothing beats "face-time". Having a good marketing plan consists of both offline and online marketing; so here are some tips for offline marketing. Trying doing one of these a day or focus on one for a few weeks or a month and see if it makes a difference in your business. If you find something that works well for you KEEP DOING IT!!!
#1. Take a small zip close baggie (snack sizes work well) and include the following in it: Your Business Card, Business Opportunity Mini Flyer, a Piece of Candy such as hard candy or a lollipop, mini flyer of current host specials, discount coupon (optional) etc. Hand these out to the bank tellers, retail cashiers, at your kids sport events, every where you go!
#2. When I stay at hotels & motels I leave a mini catalog, my business card & discount coupon and the mini coin canister for the maid! I put her tip inside the mini coin canister! I have gotten 3 orders by doing this! Be creative when you leave tips for Hotel Maids, Waitresses, Waiters, Hair Dressers, etc. Don't just hand them your business card, make it memorable! You can also buy cute little beaded change purses at your local dollar discount store!
#3. Print out flyers with your contact info (not your personal address), your website address & email address along with any current specials you are offering. Then contact local area mobile home park offices, apartment complex rental offices, housing developments etc and ask them if you can leave fliers in their office or hang on their tenant’s doors. Give the office employees a free gift or discount on their personal orders.